Designed as a multi-role helicopter capable of performing a wide range of missions – such as offshore transportation, emergency medical services, private and business aviation, as well as public services – the highly-flexible H160 integrates Airbus’ latest innovations.


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Offshore transportation

The 12-seat H160 can access a large number of offshore platforms thanks to its 15.7-metre D-value (largest dimension of the helicopter used for helideck assessment). Due to the most advanced auto pilot system and engine failure management, the H160 has demonstrated its capability to land on 12m helidecks designed for smaller helicopters, providing more flexibility and capability than other medium helicopters on the market.

The H160 relies on an embedded monitoring system and a redundancy of sensors, and can be maintained autonomously far from base. When designing the H160, a particular emphasis was placed on corrosion robustness, specifically for offshore missions like search and rescue (SAR) and oil & gas crew change.

The H160 goes beyond IOGP regulations with push-out windows that exceed the Type IV requirement and an emergency floatation system that is certified for Sea State 6 conditions.

Offshore pilots also will appreciate the enhanced visibility in the cockpit, as well as Rig’N Fly – an avionics enhancement designed to provide automatic rig approaches for offshore operations.


Helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS)

With the largest cabin in its class, wide opening sliding doors and positionable stretcher capacity, the H160 is the next generation high intensive care helicopter ideal for long distance critical patient or neonatal intensive care transport.

The low level of vibration experienced even at maximum cruise speed, flat attitude in flight, powerful air conditioning, and reduced downwash with a new idle mode, ensure comfort during patient loading and unloading. Medical personnel also benefit from the comfort provided by the H160, with a spacious and fully-equipped cabin that allows them to access the patient and cabin cargo with ease.

Airbus works with a wide range of EMS outfitters for the interior cabin layout.  Depending on the EMS kit, the cabin can accommodate several configurations, seating arrangements, stretcher models and medical equipment.


Public services

The H160 is designed to perform public services missions, such as search and rescue and law enforcement, with features that include a hoist, electro-optical and infrared cameras, loudspeakers, rappelling & fast roping, and high-end mission and control systems  – along with additional equipment to facilitate the most demanding search and rescue (SAR) missions. The cargo compartment is accessible from the large cabin, helping with daily operations and the storage of equipment.

H160 flat altitude and external visibility in hover are among its qualities  for public service missions. Its four-axis autopilot coupled with a fast automatic starting sequence (less than two minutes), answers the operator’s needs during critical operations. The H160 is the perfect fit for counter-terrorism and special forces missions, thanks to its large cabin (which can fit two SWAT teams) and stealth approach capabilities (lower sound level).

The H160 open cabin concept also allows for easy mission reconfiguration from special forces drop down to surveillance to medevac in high density environments.

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Private and business aviation

With its class-leading combination of range, speed, and reliability, the ACH160 version of Airbus’ H160 helicopter can transport up to 10 passengers with a maximum endurance of 4 hours and 30 minutes.

The ACH160 provides a modern interior design to give comfort and style to all passengers between three levels of cabin arrangement (Line, Line/Lounge and Exclusive).

With the ACH160 and other corporate helicopter versions, Airbus provides best-in-class corporate and VIP transport solutions – including tailored completions with top quality materials and craftsmanship, as well as the highest standards of customer care and service.

  • Visit the ACH website for more information on the ACH160 and the Airbus Corporate Helicopters product line

Featured H160


H160 - HCare initial

H160 Technical Information

Technical description, seating configurations and infographics for the H160

H160 Overview

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